Saturday, November 23, 2019

Journey - James A Michener

Brought this book along on an airplane flight and finished over half in a couple hours.  It's a story that Michener excised from his tome Alaska but wanted to preserve as a record of the exploration of Canada during the 1887-1889 Gold Rush days.

In the story, a pompous, self-impressed English lord takes his nephew, a fellow explorer, the nephew's friend and an Irish servant from England to Canada to the gold fields of the Klondike.  Well, he attempts to anyway.  His stubborn arrogance dooms their journey.  It's a historical account that illuminates the attitudes of the aristocracy and the courage and perseverance of men seeking to achieve a formidable goal. 

It was a good read and I especially enjoyed the author's background notes on the book and the writing process.

Published: 1989 Read: November 2019  Genre: Historical fiction

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